
Is there any way wow gold to find out any quests are available in the surrounding area

Yesterday I was walking with the world map open and wow gold I almost missed a quest giver. Now I am afraid I may have missed others, as I was doing the same thing most of my time in the Lakeshire Mountains.

I also took a different path to the target buy wow gear location, where I discovered another quest giver. I was wondering if there is any feature to find quests available within some range of your current location?

The best thing to do is when you start up, is to wow items complete all the quests that the quest giver gave you. Doing so will usually ,after you completed most of the quests from him, make him give you a quest to go to another area with quest givers.

Also, it is a good idea wow items to do all the quests from a quest giver as the quest rewards increase as you complete the quest chain.

Other than this follow the next quest giver wow gold thing, you can't pretty much do anything else but google the area you're in and see what quest givers are in there for A/H.

And other than that, the only thing left to do is to use a wow items quest giver add-on(which should be the answer you were looking for). These are great as they show on your minimap AND map all the quest givers. You might find one similar to what I linked you to which you might find useful.

Also, maybe some quest givers won't be shown on map as you don't meet wow items the level requirements for that quest. So if you pass by an NPC at lvl 10 he won't have any quests for you, but if you go again at lvl 15 he might have. Just a thing to keep in mind.

EveryQuest performs a similar function in game. It can query the WoW servers to find out which quests you have already completed, and then lets you filter to only show uncompleted quests as well as organizing them by zone. You will then have to look up the quest via other means to find out where to pick it up though.
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