
The Panacea for diseases and adverse planets

Meaning: I worship the three eyed lord Shiva, who is full wow gold of fragrance and who nourishes everybody with health and vitality. May he liberate me from Death and not from immortality: Just as the same way a pumpkin is severed from it's bondage from the creeper.

If it is difficult for you to pronounce the above mantra then buy wow weapons you can chant the short form of the above mantra. For eg if you are chanting the mantra for an individual named as john the mantra will be:Om joom Sah John Palay Palay sah joom Om".

The mantra should be chanted while facing the east or the north direction. You should use a Rudraksha Rosary and use the middle finger and the thumb to move the beads. Keep a copper vessel full of water in front of you. This practice can be started on a Monday. Also sprinkle some water around some house while chanting the mantra. This will ensure that the negative energy around your house is destroyed bringing you much calm and peace
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