
Compassionate Leadership

"I have already received more in the wow gold first retreat than I expected in the entire eight months!" ~~Lisa Hildebrand, Dir. of Education, Ventura Charter School, Compassionate Leadership 2010

Our intention: To co-create a supportive community and provide opportunities buy wow weapons for growth in awareness and capability. For each participant to identify and actualize their personal mission, fully engaging in creating and contributing to their life and vision in the world.

Join our community of compassionate leaders to buy wow weapons deepen your knowledge and skill in living your passion with authenticity and compassion, and grow in your capacity to create your vision.

As we continue to learn and grow with our participants our program continues to evolve. In 2013 our areas of focus will be based on the interest of our participants and their leadership plans for:

⁃ Personal Growth Deepen self-awareness, compassionate listening, and authentic expression

⁃ Influencing Our wow gold World Learn skills for developing cooperative systems including.

⁃ restorative mediation and group processes

⁃ bringing compassion into business

⁃ training, facilitation and coaching

Our staff loves working together and delights in contributing from the heart, experience, creativity, and enthusiasm we share. We have over decades of experience living and sharing NVC with thousands around the world. Participants bring decades more experience!

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"I could read a billion books and never get the growth I have had here." --Margo Parmenter, Compassionate Leadership '08


Hi, I Rodger Sorrow and I excited to be part of the Compassionate Leadership team. If you need more information or if we can assist you in any way, please contact me at +1.805.687.6961 (US-PT) or email any of our trainers.
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