
Cosmetic IPL Laser Reviews Comparisons

ActiveFX Aesthetics Allergan American Board of Plastic Surgery American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery American Society of Plastic Surgeons ASAPS Blepharoplasty Body Contouring Botox Botox Cosmetic Botox Training Botox vs Dysport Breast Augmentation Breast Implants C02 Fractional Laser Resurfacing C02 Laser Resurfacing California Cellulite Reduction Chat Chemical Peels CO2 Laser Cosmetic wow items Dermatology Cosmetic Laser Cosmetic Laser Reviews Cosmetic Medicine Cosmetic Surgeon Cosmetic Surgery Cutera Cynosure Dermatologist Discount Botox Dysport Dysport Dysport Ethics Facebook Facelift FACS Fake Botox FDA Filler Injections Fractional Resurfacing Fraxel Fraxel Freelance MD Freelance MD Frontdesk Marketing Groupon Healthy Aging IPL IPL Treatment Protocols Juvederm Laser Assisted Liposuction laser center Laser Clinic Laser Clinic Laser Clinic MD Laser Hair Removal Legal LightSheer Lipodisolve Liposuction Liposuction Lumenis Marketing Med Spa Med Spa Marketing Medical Blog Medical Center Medical Center Medical Conference Medical Esthetician Medical Esthetician Medical Fusion Conference Medical Justice Medical Malpractice Medical Spa Medical Spa Advertising Medical Spa BookYou are correct. We see the color green, blue, red etc because that is the color that is reflected back at us. This is a very basic principal of laser physics. You need to understand the physics and tissue interaction when using lasers. I hope that you will go back and review this topic. Good luck.

I went and pulled our T and C from wow items Conbio and it says the "the warranty is not assignable by buyer unless it is incident to financing arrangement or other special transaction which Conbio approves in writing".

They have another catch that says warranty does not extend if it is in a location other than it was initially installed, if such relocation was without Conbio's approval.

You probably have all this checked out, but just want to watch out for you. I only use wow gold it when the patient does not want lidocaine injected for pain control. 99% of patients want lidocaine on the first visit. The other 1% want lidocaine after their first treatment without lidocaine. Lidocaine turns a very painful treatment into an almost painless treatment (most complain about the lidocaine injections, not to tattoo removal.

Thanks for understanding the brain fart.

ps. suggestion for your typing problem. get a typing tutor for your computer, it is fun and your typing speed and accuracy will go up dramatically-very steep learning curve. Mavis Bacon is a good one and only costs $29.00.

Nothing is superb on green and blues, but your best chance is with a Q-switched Alex. I tell patients we can get about buy wow gear 80% out. I hit it first with the Q Alex, wait for the tissue frosting to resolve, then again with the Q YAG. However, my devices seemed underpowered. I had the Palomar Q YAG and later, the LightAge Q Clear. Now considering purchasing a Medlite C6. Would it be worthwhile since I already have an underpowered 1064/532?I really want to know about it's added benefits of rejuvenation in Type 4-5 skin.

CanMD,Thanks for your reply. I DO NOT have much experience with C6, just demo'd it twice. Seems fine for tattoos, but I am more interested in the added benefits. Hoya ConBio rep tells me that it is excellent for "rejuvenation." I have a considerable percentage of Type IV's who have dermal melanocytosis, Hori's Nevus, or melasma. So far, I have very little luck treating it with IPL and I am afraid to use the Q switced Alex, in fear of causing PIH. Does the C6 really rejuvenate skin? Is it that useful for dermal melanocytosis? I hear that Asian MD's in Asian countries use this device a wow gold lot more than US docs do because of its effectiveness on dermal pigment. The only reason why I 'm contemplating buying a C6 is to use it as another weapon to treat melasma. In the April 2009 CME article Prof Goh Chee Leok talks about C6 for melasma having Grade E EBM for melasma. In other words, I personally don't think it's worth splurging another USD80K on C6 just for melasma. Hori's nevus, my ancient Medlite II delivers good results (if the patient can endure the 6 mths of PIH). It'a no different for epidermal lesions. I reckon if I buy C6, I'll just end up promoting it for melasma so I can make my leasing repayments :-) Hoya Conbio reps will talk abt it being great for collagen remodelling - truth is, you need the long-pulsed version (also mentioned by someone else earlier in this thread). Patient no. 1 was happy with some lightening after 2 sessions (no rebound). Patient no. 2 got rebound melasma worse than before after 1 session was not willing to pay for 20-30 sessions required to "clear" maintain the result. Patients 3-5 lightened a lot after 3 sessions each but melasma went back to square one after 3-4 weeks. Out of this lot, only 1 patient is willing to pay for continued weekly to monthly sessions. You might say, so is every other melasma treatment available, but at least something like Triluma (Grade A EBM) or your own compounded Kligman's formula is a lot more affordable than C6. This statement is still not an answer for dermal melasma. But I think we have to weigh up how many of our patients can really afford 10-20 sessions of C6 before we make that financial commitment. Liver spots are solar lentigines. I have never had to treat a solar lentigines more than twice with the Revlite which is the same as the C6 just an upgraded computer system.

I have never used my Revlite for melasma. Maybe I will give it a try but doubt it. I have had pretty good luck with a combination of Fraxel (glass erbium) and the Obagi System.

I have had many patients that have been on Triluma and then they come to see me. I do not think Triluma does a very good job. I have had much better luck with the Obagi NuDerm system than the triluma.

The biggest thing with melasma is to make wow items sure the pt understands that it will return if they do not take care of their skin by wearing a sunblock and avoiding sun exposure.

so many people on this board are seriously deranged. others are childish. it is painful to read, but unfortunately one of the few places to see anything relating to cosmetic lasers.

i own some clinics in the US - i'm not carrying water for anyone. but if people on this board weren't just clowns there might be a productive conversation about the quality of equipment instead of a bunch of children gossiping.

HiIm planning to buy a portable PRO Q SWITCH YAG LASER MACHINE from ebay for myself. i have extensive hyperpigmented areas on my legs after sclerotherapy and laser vein removal. I had many sessions of medlite6 , tryed HQ, triluma, azelaic acid, kojic acid. What worked better was medlite but I have many spots of hypo and hyperpigmented skin. It loks weird. If you could give me your opnion, thank you
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