
Favorite buy wow weapons Cheesy Jokes

Original buy wow weapons Post by historyrepeating:

A guy was driving along a country road and noticed a buy wow weapons farmer standing in the middle of his field in the pouring rain. He thought he might be in trouble so he stopped his car and went over and asked if he was okay.

lol, That's my dad's favorite however he told it a little wow gold differently . His dad went to college for farming, because he wanted to be outstanding in his fieldMy nan rang me up to tell me this one, and I still crack up over it.

This rabbit walks into a bar one cold night and says, "I'd like a beer and a ham and cheese toastie please." The bartender looks stymied but gives the rabbit what he wants. The rabbit wow items chucks a few dollars on the bar and saunters off. He does the same thing next week to the increasing curiosity of the bartender. On the third week the Rabbit comes back, asks for his beer and ham and cheese toastie. The bartender tells the rabbit, "Sure, we're out of cheese though, but we have onion." The rabbit sighs, tucks in and leaves. The rabbit isn't heard from for a few weeks and comes back into the bar one night as a ghost. The bartender says "Crikey mate, what happened to you?" The rabbit looks at the bartender and says, "I mixed my toasties!"

Mixed my toasties. myxomatosis? Geddit? Or. maybe it's an Australian thing. Myxomatosis was a drug used in Australia to control the introduced rabbit population. Lol, my nan is 74 and she rang me to tell me this joke, then laughed and hung up on me. She's awesome.
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