
Who Wants wow gold to Be a WoW Millionaire

I reckon a lot of World of Warcraft players would answer that one, "I do."

The problem for many players is that it is quite difficult to obtain enough gold in World of Warcraft for the daily activities of the game. It's almost impossible to be able to save enough gold to be a World of Warcraft millionaire. Add to the cost of playing, spell upgrades, talent respecs, the repair of equipment, and all the consumables required. This burns through enough gold to keep the player poor.

Many players go through their career as a virtual WoW pauper. They never have a better weapons, or better armor. Simply buying the healing potions and mana they need for a day is an adventure beyond the game. There are players who are never able to buy their epic mount.

This should not wow items be the case, and it doesn't have to be.

There are actually quite a wow gold few methods that players can try to make a huge amount of gold in World of Warcraft.

One of these techniques is to sell loot dropped from monsters in the auction house. It's very simple, the player simply sells the uncommon, rare, and epic items that he cannot use. It's really quite easy.

To do this, first create another character, called an alt, on the same server. Then, when the main player character comes across some decent loot, instead of selling it at the vendor, he transfers it to his alt by using the mail system.

Later, the player loads up the alt and buy wow gear goes to the mailbox and receives all the items that were previously sent. He then puts these items on sale at the auction house.

The player then returns to playing his main character without losing huge amounts of time travelling between the auction house and his quest location. Later on, when he's not so busy playing his main, he logs back in to the alt character to collect his new found wealth. Then, it's only a matter of sending it back to his main using the in-game mail system.

Of course, this is a pretty simplistic description of how this technique makes gold. There are plenty of other tricks and traps to be taken into account in gold farming using the auction house. For example, some items have green stat combinations that are not all that useful, and therefore do not sell well at all. It's often better to disenchant these items if possible, or simply sold the items as vendor trash.

