
Entrepreneurs Have wow items In Common It Way Simpler Than You Think

Quote: "The biggest difference between an average income and financial-freedom is…implementation."- Bill Glazer

I recently spent four long days and nights with information marketing millionaires at the Information Marketing Summit and was astonished to hear that many of them, when pressed for THE secret of their recent 7-figure success, named ONE and only one. Best of all, I was able to witness this theme with most everyone I met, particularly the VERY successful ones.

These entrepreneur millionaires all have ONE secret in common: they implement new ideas quickly. At first, it sounded so simple that I didn't believe it fully. Could implementation (getting things done) be so profound that those who've REALLY succeeded named it as their number one KEY? Then I started thinking about my own journey…

I realized that, just one year later, I'd actually implemented a LOT of the ideas I'd gotten at that same conference the year before. I'd set up a new lead generation tool on my wow items website which converts on average of 36% of people who land on the website; I'd then created a new coaching program in which more than a hundred people got huge value from talking to me twice a month; I'd created my first successful 3-day workshop and filled it to capacity in less than 6 weeks with people attending from all around the country; And then subsequently filled an elite coaching group to capacity out of the workshop. Had they given up? Had they NOT implemented the thousands of info-rich ideas and therefore didn't see it as fit to return for more?

This all got me thinking: What's wow gold keeping people from implementing, anyway? After some thought, I believe people get stopped from implementing new ideas for several reasons:

1) They don't organize the information they've wow items received(it all seems so overwhelming that it stays there in that notebook and nothing gets done.) Have you been there too?

2) They don't have accountability systems in place(either buy wow gear a coach, high-level Mastermind group or other people to call them on their "stuff" when they're procrastinating and get them into gear again.)

3)Their focus is wow gold spread thin over many different projectsand nothing ever really gets accomplished.

4) They don't set deadlines for completion, so the task list keeps dragging on and on, until it just disappears.

Now, don't get me wrong. But what I've noticed is that the stress level of NOT getting something done, something important and revenue generating, is far worse than actually taking the time to complete it fully. So, it's very much worth the effort. Not only that, it's far more satisfying. You'll see.

My mantra, wow gold taped on my wall above the computer?

Do this, and I guarantee you will have more clients, make a wow items lot more, with stress less. It's about taking that no-excuses approach to getting things done that I talk about so often. That's what millionaire-entrepreneurs do. Are you up for the challenge? I know I am.

I am not an entrepreneur millionaire (yet), but I am on my way. The first thing I did was to sit down and have a serious talk with myself about what was most important to me ( thine own self be true and had to shed almost a lifetime of noodling around doing too much for others. I learned how to say when someone came around to ask for one more favor, or one more dollar, which did not allow me to finish a project. Then I gain more time and resources to finish it. I move on to the next thing on my list, and if it involves making serious money it moves to the top. There are too many people who seem to think that the world revolves around them. I no longer have the time to spare.

