
February wow items 2011 Birth Club

I have only had to buy one pack of diapers so far. I am still getting diapers as gifts. We have only bought two outfits, and one bottle of shampoo. We didn't buy our carseat, PnP, or stroller. This is my mom's first grandson, and her first grandchild that she actually gets to see. She was so excited that when she came to see him when he was a week old, she bought us everything. Lol. She still sends me stuff, and asked me what to send for Christmas. I am really lucky to have a mom who loves to do this kind of stuff. We would have been in trouble a couple of times without it.Â

Yes, we were also very lucky. We have a closet in our basement that is filled with baby shampoo, lotion and diapers. We probably wont have to buy any diapers until our lo is almost 1 year! We did just run out of wipes, but no biggie! With my daughter being the first on my DH side, grandma buys alot of clothes. Which is very nice because I decided to stay at home and finish my masters. So we took a big hit financial, but I am loving staying home with my daughter. I am actually applying for a job tomorrow, there are very few teaching jobs were I am for and one was just posted. I will be very excited if I get it, it will be my first teaching job BUT it will be hard to leave my lo. I kind of got off topic! Yes we are very lucky!

