
Organize your childs room

* Don't forget to clean inside the closet*

After purging you should have significantly less stuff to deal with. Now it is time to organize this wonderfully clean space. Now I will give you some ideas on how they should function.

Below are the basic areas a child needs in their room. I call these areas "stations". Does your child have the proper stations in their room? For a child to function productively in their environment they need the following areas:

> Sleep station-This one is a no brainer, your wow items child sleeps here, but if your child also enjoys reading in bed, be sure you have proper lighting and perhaps a nightstand or book shelf near by.

> Study Station-A sturdy desk with proper lighting is a must. If wow items your child does their schoolwork here make sure all of the necessary supplies (pencils,paper,caculator,ruler etc.) are neat and organized. You can use an inbox for spare notebook paper, an old mug can hold the scissors, pens, etc.

> Games/playing Station- Designate either a place on the floor or a table for board games. For action wow gold figures and dolls, use see through plastic bins for storage. Glue, paper, scissors, play-dough, etc. Lower the rod inside closets(if possible) so little ones can reach their clothes. You can also purchase a rod that hangs on the existing one which not only makes it easier for children to reach, but it also adds additional storage.

Go over each area with your child explaining each stations function. You will be surprised by how neat they keep their new space. Children don't like messy rooms any more than we do, they simply need to be taught how to be organized. Remember the saying "A place for everything and everything in its place". Once everything has a home your child should have no problem staying organized. Explain to them that if they are done in one station,they must put everything away before they can play in another station. At the end of every day before bed give your child 10 minutes to pick up the room.

When you place items into a storage container, be sure to label it. This will eliminate the excuse of not knowing where something belongs.

An over the door see wow gold through shoe holder can be used to hold: Barbies, Action figures,markers,crayons,stuffed animals,craft items, building blocks, baseball cards,

Clear plastic containers-everything mentioned above PLUS matchbox cars,puzzles,paints, papers,un-assembled race tracks, photographs, comic books,

A net hung in buy wow gear the corner of the ceiling can hold stuffed animals, sport balls, baseball gloves,

A ribbon or rope strung across a wall can hold art work, photos, awards, greeting cards, hair clips, and hats. They will attach easily using clothespins.

These are just a few ideas. Look around the house for your own storage ideas. Here are a few things you probably have lying around: Wicker baskets, cleaning caddy's, clay pots,and milk crates. Now use your imagination to see what you can store in them. Of course everything mentioned will not apply to every child. Make any necessary adjustments to accommodate the age of the child.

