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Death in Warcraft is an interesting thing for all those players. As we learned in Cataclysm on wow gold the intro to WoW dying breed of dog, it's not always final. Except if you're a player character who can consider use of the services of a Spirit Healer. Yet what if you're an NPC? True legends take a way of back but should they, other people should be next to go?

Blizzard stated that they have become less happy with the existing talent system than they were in the beginning with time goes by. They felt that it offered less real selections in how to spend points, wow items since to get the most out of a skill tree you needed to spend most of your points in a certain way. Their aims for redoing the talent system was to make a new system that allowed gamers to make real meaningful choices as to how they wanted to play while still allowing all talents to be valid, useful, and fun. They moved most of the talent based abilities which is quite important to a specific spec and create out of the talent system rather than giving it to that spec. Much better, many talent abilities are available to all specs which were interesting but limited to a specific spec.

WoW talent system 2.0 overhaul cannot really be called a talent tree any longer. Once you gain a talent you can pick one of the three talents at the current tier that wow gold you just earned access to. Remember, no going back and picking a lower level expertise. That is to say, every 15 levels you get to pick one regarding three talents, and there is no way to ever go back and get another talent from that tier. You can of course re-spec and pick a different talent from each tier, but you will only ever have 1 from each tier and 6 in total. Blizzard has also stated that each of the three talents at each level will do the same thing but in various ways.

And you may think about that does the WoW talent method 2.0 overhaul really priovide more choices? This is really a complex concern. Probably there are only 6 choices are available for the players when you make first light glance at it. But actually it is not. You possessed 41 talent points to use with the Cataclysm, but really you didn't possess much choice with how they were spent. For one thing, could onlu put 31 points into your main talent tree before you could put some of them anywhere else.

On the Alliance side, there are so many possibilities. It is well known that Blizzard is familiar with players because of its really like of the Horde but their bias is getting to the point wherever players are kicking their heels and waiting for something to happen in Stormwind. Ever before, well-known characters with a deep background in lore, NPCs just like Jaina, Tyrande, Velen and even newcomer Genn Greymane feel ignored. Today it's all Thrall, Deathwing and the constant battle against the Twilight's Hammer. There are a lot of class characters who haven't really devoted that too much to the in-game lore of late and could currently have the sword of Damocles dangling over their collective heads.

