
Team Fucktress 2

"You two stay out of this," both Australian and Frenchman reeled at the other two, pointing a kukri and cigarette dismissively. All other teammates sighed with indifference.

This was a daily occurrence between Sniper and Spy-always bickering like a married couple: A mad, ornery, murderous couple. It buy wow gear seemed as if the two could never agree on, well, anything. Even at team meetings, which one they were currently attending, they would shout at one another until their faces turned brilliant shades of red, blue, or sometimes purple. Weapons were drawn out most of the time as well, which was when the peace-keeping Engineer and demanding Medic stepped in.

Scout woke up at the dawn of another Sniper-Spy brawl and went to spring from his chair when a gloved hand shoved him right back down. "Nien, you vill not be vollowing zem," Medic ordered, "It vill only spur zem on." The boy groaned dramatically and slumped back into his seat.

Lips crashed, teeth clicked together, tongues dipped into familiar mouths in a bolt of urgency. Sniper took his teammate by the wrists and pinned wow items him against the wall, pushing up against Spy's crotch with his knee. "Yer already hard," Sniper pointed out between nips to the other's jawline, "but I wouldn't expect anythin' better from a backstabbin' sissy like you." The Frenchman took Sniper's earlobe between his teeth and ground up against him; Sniper groaned, his pants were getting a little too tight. "Now who is ze sissy? I 'ave you moaning like a girl."

Sniper growled, "I'm moanin' like a girl? Well I'll be makin' you scream my name like a shelia." The bushman freed Spy's wrists to rage a war against their clothes. Shirts were torn open, buttons showering the worn carpet followed by Spy's entire wardrobe wow gold and Sniper's vest. The sharpshooter didn't get the chance to fully take off his lower garments before two slim legs wrapped around his torso and a pair of arms linking behind his neck. Sniper slammed Spy back against the wall with a grunt and attacked the newly exposed collarbone. "I do not zink our comrades would enjoy zis kind of a show," Spy panted, grasping a fistful of hair to yank back so their lips could continue pressing together. Sniper took the hint and pushed off the plaster to carry Spy to his room until he felt the limiting fabric pooling around his ankles restrict his movement. After a few wobbly steps, Sniper tripped over his pants and underwear; after a few wobbly steps, the nearest door gave way to the secret lovers.

Tumbling into the unknown room, Spy connected with the floor roughly with Sniper on top of him. "You are a complete idiot. Did you really zink you'd get anywhere with your pants around your feet?" Sniper grumbled incoherently and kept up where they left off. "Zniper, ze door is still open," Spy stated with a roll of his eyes.

"Why does it matta? Is tha little froggy scared?"

"Non, I just don't want ze rest of my team gawking at us while we fuck eachozer senseless. Zey think we do not get along, zerefore I want zem to keep thinking zat."

The huge hand gripped him tightly, the scowl trying to hide something. And the Engineer knew what. He was uncertain. The normally unflappable Heavy, the man who would normally tell men to cower at the mere sight of him squeezed tighter as the Engineer rubbed his surprisingly firm pec.

"I aint gonna make wow items you do something you don't like," the Engineer whispered, the coy smile almost mocking.

"Who said I not like?" the Heavy sneered more, bearing more teeth

"Yer shakin' wow items like a leaf, and that ain't like you."

The cough, the eyes darting away from the blank goggled belied his apprehension. Large hands more accustomed to creating machines slid to Heavy's side, his comparatively small body coming almost uncomfortably close

