How to Tell the Gender of an Angelfish
Check the space between the pectoral fins (the two narrow ones below the gills) and the anal fin (the lower fin just in front of the tail). If the space is almost horizontal between the fins wow gold, this is probably a male. If it is small and narrow wow po, it is probably a male. The males have a small, pointy tube, and the females have a rounder tube (for laying eggs). This is the most accurate way to determine gender. Females also get a little round belly when they are full of eggs, though males can get a temporary belly if they've just gorged.
Usually, using a combination of all these methods gives you pretty good odds for determining gender, but only on mature fish. Young fish do not show gender-specific shapes until they are about 1 year old. If you want to buy young angels (cheaper and cuter), it is recommended that you buy at least 4-6 and raise them together to give your best odds. They'll sort out the pairings themselves Acheter Des PO. Just be sure you have enough space for the grown-up size wow gold kopen.
Some people watch for breeding behavior (usually two fish guarding some territory and driving away all intruders) and sees who is laying eggs, and who is passing over them fertilizing them. However wow gold, two fish of the same gender may display alternating breeding behaviors in the absence of the other gender, such as two females taking turns playing "male" when one is ready to lay eggs.