
with links and mathematical extrapolation formulas wow po qF

with links and mathematical extrapolation formulasThanks for posting this because that's the only way ppl in Wv can protect themselves from these violent animals is with circulated information wow gold. News medias in WV, especially wchs, will not report on black crime or warn ppl to use extra care when traveling to charleston. They try and make it seem like there's more meth white crime. Just watch their 'fugitive files'. White people in Charleston better start having meetings or their city will with no doubts turn into Chicago or Philly very soon. Stand up now.Everyone keep saying blacks are violent and animals. You are putting all blacks in one category. How would you feel if people would say white people are racist, but not all white people are racist. I view this world as hypercritical because the people killed and stolen fordecades and continue to manipulate the sysytem for their own justification. I'm not saying their isn't crime in the black community but it's all types of criminals and you know whoyou are. I just haate ignorant one-sided thinking. It just shows that racism still exist in American and the gap has not been closed. People are being killed every day: childrenbeing malested by parents and family members, couples are beatiabusing eachother,market driven stakeholders are cutting each other throats over premium and property gain. Politicians are making excuses why the drug trade is continuing to ship and fly narcotics in America, while our children smoking dope, crack, meth, ectasy, takin and illegal drug medication being preWho's documenting these statistics? If anyone is familiar with history and all the manipulation that went into trying to keep blacks from voting, I would agree to fast, until I do my own research on the over all crime in America. If we calculate the total crimes that's been commented in America over the total history, I would definitely say white folks have hong a lot of niggro's and raped alot of black woman, wwhy you think blacksare light complected, Our genectics are not suppose to be mixed like it is, but the media and people that hate blacks: they only want to talk about them commenting crimes. Dido, do your research, I am!Find the statistics for the people shipping the drugs over to this country and selling the guns and liquar. If you all really wanted to solve this issue instead of pointing the blaim on the black community. Stop shipping thess drugs over in America to selling cigarettes, narcotics, liquar, because most crimes are directly and indirectly affecting the black community. I guess putting drugs in the low-income community will help them live in Mr. Rogers neighborhood. This is a political stands and you all know it , but you all are weak follwers and scared to speak your opinion. Just let other people think for you, bull-this is another way to convict blacks fotr the government failure to reinform the law to prevent the sell of guns and drugs. To decrease the black population. It's easy to sit back and agree with statistic, buit it's not easy to get out here and make a difference in the world. I thought it was really smart people but I come to understand; shallow, and weak people.Of course not all blacks are bad apples man. I think the problem is that a lot of the blacks tolerate the bad apples. LaRive, and most people are too lazy to do their own homework. I'm surprised he hasn't commented, but I guess he thinks his job is done pointing this out. I don't see him taking a stand one way or the other but just reporting what he found. There is a lot of black men in prison, and this weakens the race even more. Is this the reason 80 percent of the black births are out of wedlock? Why black women are so strong willed? Why so many have problems in school, because there is no responsible black man to be found? My white brother is married to a black woman and their two girls do fine, one is a nurse the other a fine mother and wife. They are soft-spoken and not loud like I see.Not all, you are a confused racist person, in denial, and in a lot of pain. Ignorant too, and looking for justification. I'm Asian, and my family has done quite well here in America for three generations. What holds you blacks back comes from inside your own self, a slavery mentality of laziness, ignorance, and a mean spirit. Get over it. Stand up and quit blaming the white man for you own failings. If we could do it you could. We worked hard and my mother was the first to go to collage, owned a restaurant with my dad and his brother, and saved every dime for the future. We took nothing but one low interest loan and paid it all back in six years. This is America, and anyone can make it with the right attitude. but talking to you seems like talking to a wall. Your mother and father should have taught you that. It is called pride. Ask your racist president Obama to help you. 50 percent of abortions are performed on blacks, and no one is twisting arms to make that happen.That article is deeply offensive and racist (perhaps based on the racism that the US government uses to do theirs stats - meaning that they use the world 'race' to divide groups of people according to physical appearance). To link 'race' with crime its simply wrong, specially if you don't even mention other possibly related socioeconomic characteristics like education, class, etc. By doing this you are confusing correlation with causality, a common logic fallacy. In the same way you can say 'people with black hair are more likely to commit violent crimes than people with blond hair'. You would be suggesting that because (be CAUSE) you have black hair you are more likely to commit the crime, or that in all the universe the color of hair is what determines the violence level.While in fact, both the color of your hair and your violence level might be linked to other variables, like the region you live in and how developed it is (for example). If there are more people there with black hair and the crime rate is high (maybe because the region is in a place with a culture of crime - meaning that you see in your surroundings that crime is a legitimate, common and socially accepted way to get money and respect) you would see the 2 variables as related (but not necessarily that one causes the other). But if you go somewhere else you may see people with black hair also but low levels of violent crimes, then the variables would be unrelated. In these case the correct statement would be 'if you live in an area with a culture of crime you are more likely to commit a violent crime' (because in this example living in and area with a culture of crime is a cause for criminal behaviour regardless of the color of your hair).This attitude is the reason I become more racist by the day. Why is it white populous regions (even of harsh socioeconomic standards, such as, I dunno, PRETTY MUCH ALL OF RURAL AMERICA) don't have nearly as many criminal activity as the blacks in places like Detroit. Why would you post that the government is doing this when the President is black and the FBI's boss, the Attorney General, Eric Holder is Black. Italians, Jews, Irish, and every German and Japanese person of descent by FDR in WW2.Also, what do you think the Anti-defamamtion League would say, they have to fight this with b***** rhetoric to stay in business, kind of like your race bating pals Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. If it's that bad, go back to your tyrannical aids infested continent where your "brothers" are still running slave programs. You are just a lost cause. PS. Your hair analogy is logically flawed, comparing hair color, just a physical characteristic, to race which yes is physical but at the same time is cultural, and cultural, although not complete causation, does bring some cause to BEHAVIOR. (Pre-law ahole)I checked out the FBI statistics, and I found that the New Century Foundation was correct and telling the truth. Telling the truth is not racist, and if you're turning to the real racists--the ADL--to tell you what's racist and what's not, then you seriously need to reevaluate your assessment of the article. I do agree that a person should not infer from this that race in and of itself caused people to commit these crimes. In other words, a person's race does not give them a violent bent. If you take a look at the FBI 2006 statistics, they'll give a table of the reasons for various crimes, including murder; however, they do not list race in this same table. I think it would be helpful and clear the air so to speak if the FBI actually published the reasons given with the race and sex of the offender. That way, it would give no one ANY room to spout any kind of liberal garbage to cover up the truth.Those pesky facts always get in the way of a good argument. White liberals have lied to blacks and have easily duped you. Wake up black folks, it's not the Repubs you should resent, the Dems stood in your way for generations. The Republican party started mainly to free the slaves. Republicans the Civil Rights Bill and continue to level the playing field. Deems put abortion clinics primarily in black poor areas to destroy your race. It is evil, half of all black babies are aborted. Just think of all the great minds, hearts and Americans who were wiped out. I am a white middle aged rich white man who wishes you all well. I financially support over 100 young black children in Zambia and 13 in other African countries as well as 19 little Indian babies in India. I tell you this to let you know it's Republicans who won't give you just enough to vote for them wow po, or bribe you, they will just give you equal playing field to reach your dreams. Good luck and Gid bless.These statistics are being twisted by the racists in the discussion so that ignorant people will be misled.70% of the US population is White. Only 12% is Black. So if a Black person commits a crime, of course the victim is more likely to be a White person, because there are far fewer potential Black victims! And when a White person commits a crime, it's not very likely to be a Black victim, because there are far more potential White victims. Nice statics, they prove something realy needs to be done. The us is very unfair against poor people and poor people are more likely to commit crimes. So the poor people need to have a better chance of succeeding in life. When ur parents are criminals and drag you into it you will have alot more chance to become a criminal yourself. This causes even more racism and problems than there already are/is.I live in holland, wich is a very multicultural country. There aren't so many problems with foreign people here because everyone has a equal chance of succeeding. Poor people receive a monthly free from the government wich is paid from tax. People who earn alot of money pay more tax. this causes everything to be more balanced. I never saw somebody getting bullied because of poor clothing or other stuff. Holland truly is the polder all countries should follow.Instead of hating foreign people like some of you do you should come with a solustion. You cannot kick those people out of ur country because they are criminals and black Acheter Des PO. Where are you going to kick them to? Africa? So that they can rape and rob poor african children on the street? Nigga please.
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