
Red Cross says stop sending breast milk to Haiti Acheter Des PO NN

Red Cross says stop sending breast milk to HaitiWow that is horrible to deny something so good for the babies there. I am glad I do not donate a single dime or blood to Red Cross wow gold kopen.But it can't be stored properly for widespread use. Sure, the USS Comfort has freezer space for a certain amount of bm wow gold ideal, but that's just one distribution point for aid. The resources that would be spent testing, shipping, storing and ensuring safe distribution of bm would be astronomical if done on a large scale gw2 gold. Formula, on the other hand, can be mixed as needed, and there is water purification equipment that is more easily-accessible than refrigeration. It's not as good as bm, but it's nourishing and easier to distribute - definitely the priorities in such a huge disaster Acheter Des PO. all for bfing - still doing it here! - but give the Red Cross and the other organizations a break. Getting the *best* nutrition has to take a back seat to getting *some* nutrition when disaster strikes. And it sounds like they are doing all they can to encourage and assist mothers to bf their babies in Haiti.I don't think the Red Cross is intentionally trying to deny these children nutrition but are trying to prevent an influx of breast milk that may only spoil or go to waste wow gold. I guarantee you that the Red Cross etc is running on generator power right now that is often unreliable and in short supply. It is the third world and a disaster area on top of that. The Red Cross may need the precious space for medicines etc. While breast milk is best, in this case canned formula can do the job. The Red Cross spokesperson also said that they didn't request any of the donations so you can't really fault them for not accepting or using it.
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