Tea Party says it's the new center
A mandate is in the eye of the beholder, and Jenny Beth Martin, national coordinator of the Tea Party Patriots, an online conservative network, seemed to speak for many when she suggested compromise was a good thing -- so long as others were doing the compromising.
"We hope that rather than having the gridlock, that the House and Senate will work together to find a way to be responsible with our money again and the other side will move to the center, Martin said. "Because our side is the center,
Except for that part about only a third of the Tea Party candidates winning, and the part about the anti-government governing, and the part about the new being led by the same old, sure. Does this mean the revolution's over?
I'd tend to agree with you, John, except that some of the Tea Party/GOP ideas are so horrific that to allow guild wars 2 gold passage would be disasterous, to say the least. And since they refuse to compromise. no, even brag about not compromisin, it would almost seem as if there's little choice.
Not that it'll ever happen, of course. The Dems will continue to roll over, then learn it's all their fault anyway. Remember, the entire housing implosion was Barney Frank's fault. (Yes, that was intended to be sarcastic.)
#4.2 - Thu Nov 4, 2010 11:59 AM EDT
I think the Revolution is Far From Over. On (Morning Joe) this Morning--- Tim Pawlenty was On--- His Idea for (Compromise) for the (Energy Policy)---- is Windmills. He Also Spoke as If All Viewers, and the Staff of (Morning Joe) Must be Inkumput Idiots.
I still Feel--- that the Majority of Americans--- are Not Stupid--- and are Not Joining with the Tea Party. President Obama Said that in HIs Speech--- He Feels that Voters Do Not Necessarily Go All with Democrat or All with Republican--- they Go with the Best Candidate.
President Obama is Facing MAJOR Obstacles---- The Republicans Goal is to Stop Anything--- Anything that he Wants to Do or Pass
I Saw a Brief Clip that Howard Dean May Consider Running in the Next Presidential Election---- I think We wow po Will be Maybe Seeing an Interesting Turn,
TPaw has absolutely zero chance of winning. wow gear He would probably stand a decent chance in the general election, but as we all know, to win a repub primary, you have to be as far right as you can possibly be. TPaw will never be seen to be a religious fundamentalist, which is a major strike against him when he is running against people like Palin and Huckabee. He's not a fervent birther, and his tenther credentials are pretty weak and seem to have only arrived when the Tea Party gained strength. In other words, he's a poser, a chameleon, and voters will see through that. Add to that the fact that the folks here in MN absolutely detest the clown, especially after leaving us with a $5.8 billion deficit as a parting gift, and you can count Timmy out of serious contention for any political office, here or nationwide. His best hope is for another repub to win the White House, so that they could throw him a bone of an ambassadorship or somesuch.
John in Texas-1786667
And that just might be the case Beth. The neocons painted themselves in a very small corner this time. The reichwing motto is 'Extend the bush tax cuts', which will add 4.4 trillion to the deficit. Economics 101 says you can't cut taxes when you have a deficit as large as ours without paying for it and there is no way they can do that without cutting medicaid, medicare and defense which people will not stand for. The teabaggers demand a balanced budget so how are the repubs going to apeas them? Its going to be fun to watch.
They still operate on the simplistic notion that you can run a government's finances exactly like those of an individual. Unfortunately, that simply isn't true. The government has costs that MUST be paid each year, from social security to interest on the debt. Those are not discretionary funds, they are financial obligations. Therefore, they cannot be touched in any discussions of how to cut spending. Medicare and medicaid? Sure, they actually are discretionary spending, meaning that it is possible to adjust how much you spend each year on them, but in reality, it is very hard to do, as it means adjusting which care will be covered, and how much it will reimburse health care providers for that care. So, it can be done, but it takes time, certainly longer than the Tea Party geniuses think. So, for a quick cut, they need to look at the rest of the budget, of which the largest remaining part is defense. As good, patriotic Americans, they not only don't want to cut there, they actually want to increase spending for the Pentagon. Now they also have to add about $4 trillion for the tax cuts they want to make permanent. So where are we so far? Well, they have swelled spending to levels even higher than those they already oppose. Add to that the determination by some of them to eliminate corporate taxes altogether, and we're starting to talk serious money here.
As Reagan proved, math is not the right wing's strong suit.
Our schools need to go to boot camp, which is ironic since a lot of neocon candidates flirted with notions of cutting the Dept of Edumucation since wow gold they believe an education = liberal elite. By boot camp I mean that we need teachers who aren't afraid of students, or their parents, and we need to back the districts fiscally in order to bring technology into schools so they can compete with well funded private schools. That is accomplished by those pesky taxes the teabaggers refuse to pay. Money can no longer be the only thing providing an education in this country. Also, Austerity will not work here. Ever.
More outrage and less compromise. that's something the Administration and the Media need to HEAR loud and clear. We did this to ourselves. too much reasonableness and compromise. The reason these people feel so empowered is simple. WE AREN'T LOUD enough! Quietly working within the system gets us watered down legislation, tax breaks for those who don't need them, elections bought and paid for by corporations (foreign and domestic), and, dare I say. politicians whose parents must have used the word "NO" way too often.
Take this as a lesson learned.
Yeah it was thank you for sharing it Grrl. I also thought it was interesting that President Obama and everyone else is wayyy further to the right. So essentially we're trying to kill each other over whether or not government should include protections for consumers? Wow. That's kind've weird to think about, isn't it? That one little thing is worth a revolution (even if peaceful)? Kind'veblows my mind a bit. Also this means I am the more conservative of all of us hippies? Lol- go free market?
#24.10 guild wars 2 gold - Thu Nov 4, 2010 1:26 PM EDT
I think part of it may be because I didn't answer "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree" very much. I only strongly agreed/disagreed when it came to stuff like "gays should get married, Other than that I used my more moderate temperament. When I blog on here I tend to become far more liberal than what I actually am because you people are great at riling up my blood. I think that gives credence to why it's so important to immerse yourself in different opinions and most importantly turn the TV/comp off for a while every day lol