
Best Tanking Pets in World of Warcraft wow po RT

Best Tanking Pets in World of Warcraft wow gold po

A complete guide to hunter pets in the World of Warcraft. You appear to have. WoW tanking pets are characterized by their high health, Best Tanking Pets in World of Warcraft high armor and low damage wow gold. There is a list of good tanking pets for hunters, which include:

WoW hunter™s pet Bear - out of all of the choices of Hunter™s pets,Buy Wow Gold Instant Delivery, bears have the best chance of survivability along with the ability to dish out a moderate amount of damage. The second highest armor along with the highest HP of all the pets makes the bear one nice Tank for your Hunter. For the times when you need them for DPS wow gold kopen, the bears can deal out some damage of their own when called upon. The fact that the bear is omnivorous means that you can save money during feeding time.

WoW hunter™s pet Scorpid - In comparison with other tanking Hunter™s pets, Scorpid™s would be considered to have moderate survival skills wow po. Best Tanking Pets in World of Warcraft If you are the type of Hunter who likes using poison as a means of destroying your enemies then the Scorpid is just the pet for your Hunter. They have a stackable poisonous attack that when used in conjunction with a Serpent™s Sting can produce deadly results to multiple enemies. This WoW Hunter Pet Guide recommends the Scorpid as a top notch PvP pet.

WoW hunter™s pet Warpstalker - Similar to the Scorpid in survivability with a Warp attack that can be used in much the same way a boar uses its Charge to speed up your fighting time.

A gathering place for WoW hunters who have paid their dues. As tanks, you would be better off using the ones previously mentioned because their stats make them better suited for the job. Cheapest World Of Warcraft Gold wow gold,The HP and armor stats for the Crocolisks, Ccrabs and Tallstriders make them borderline tank pets.

