
How RMT helped a Starving Student wow gold nO

How RMT helped a Starving Student

I'm a Wowhead. I play World of Warcraft (commonly referred to as 'WoW") all the time (really!) and have created several characters in the game with lots of virtual gear, items and wow gear currency, more than enough to play the game. This is a story about how guild wars 2 gold selling WoW Gold helped me survive through hard times. First, you have to know that Real Money Trading or RMT has been the subject of endless debate between online game publishers and game players who buy and sell virtual game items (the stuff you acquire during game play, like swords and currency). I'm going to leave those two factions to their argument. One of the side effects of spending a lot of time leveling up is that you acquire lots of virtual stuff in the process. My friends joke that my toons have more WoW Gold than Fort Knox.

Unfortunately, in the real world where the subprime meltdown has financially nuked everyone - even my parents are struggling - my pocket money shrank to the point that I wasn't sure I could continue to pay my monthly subscription to WoW. If you're a WoW junkie, you have a pretty good idea of the panic that thought causes.

I sold wow gold some stuff (a guitar I never really played anyway) and reduced my "entertainment" budget to pizza and leveling up yet another WoW toon. At the suggestion of a gamer gal pal (whom I'm hoping has a fetish for poor WoWheads) I started selling my game items to friends and guild members for real money. Eureka! Just when I thought I was going to have to alternate a slice of cardboard with each slice of pizza, selling WoW Gold afforded me that third important daily meal and another 90 days of playtime! Did anyone ever REALLY imagine that buying and selling swords that don't really exist would become a billion dollar business and (along the way) save my skinny, starving behind? What's that? It's against the publisher's rules? Please, don't start. Real service for real gamers at WoW Gold Pig.

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