Diablo 3 Review
Diablo 3 launched last month and I'll have to admit, I've been playing it a lot more than I've been playing World of Warcraft (both Diablo 3 and WoW are Blizzard Entertainment products). However guild wars 2 gold, I doubt that it is a WoW-killer like some have mentioned. I do know some people that have quit WoW to play Diablo 3, but that's not the case with most people. I'm still playing WoW gw2 gold, just not as much, but I imagine, I will alternate time spent with each game I play (I am a certified Game Addict after all).
Diablo 3 is the first in the Diablo series to not allow off-line single player play. Blizzard has no plans to change this and is using this as their form of Digital Rights Management (DRM). If you're still want to play Diablo off-line, you'll have to play one of the older Diablo games. Unfortunately for some, this means that they won't be able to enjoy Diablo 3 unless Blizzard changes their mind (not likely, but who knows?)
Like it's predecessors, D3 uses the point-and-click concept. I'm not usually a fan of the top-down view point-and-click system; however, Blizzard has found a way to make it work. They also allow you to hold your left-mouse button down which will allow for continuous movement. If you want to attack with the left mouse button but don't want to have a chance of your character moving (this can cause issues), simply press the shift button down while you're attacking to prevent movement.
The story-based gameplay is pretty interesting and begins with your character investigating a star that has fallen from the sky and has caused all sorts of issues (zombies, plagues, crazy witches, the return of the Skeleton King, etc). You eventually discover that the star was actually a fallen angel, Tyrael. I won't give the rest of the story away, but I did find it pretty interesting to follow wow gold.
Diablo 3 has five different playable classes (no race options or anything like that). You also cannot customize the appearance of your character, other than by choosing male or female. Only the gear you obtain throughout the game changes the way your character appears. You can play a Barbarian, Wizard, Monk, Witch Doctor, or Demon Hunter. The Monk and the Barbarian are the only two classes that were available in previous official Diablo games. The Monk was available in Diablo: Hellfire and the Barbarian was available in Diablo II. The Witch Doctor is seen as the successor to the Necromancer while the Wizard is the successor to the Sorcerer and Sorceress classes in previous Diablo games.
The multiplayer is D3 has to be my favorite part. If you click on public games, you can join in any random game that is open to the public up to the chapter of the story that you have made it to. You can also open your game up to the public if you want to allow others to join you. Also, if you have Real ID friends that are playing the game, they can click a button to join you at any time, even if your game is not open to the public (so be sure you want your friends to be able to do this before adding them as Real ID friends). The game will get slightly harder for each additional member added to the party.
Also, while the normal, nightmare guild wars 2 gold, hell, and inferno difficulty modes all present increasingly difficult challenges guild wars 2 gold, the hardcore mode might prevent the most difficult challenge of all: Permadeath. Yes, if you die in Hardcore mode, your character will be gone forever. So, don't Alt-Tab out while you're standing over a fire grate as Kungen has learned the hard way (See the video below).
Blizzard has finally released the real-cash Auction house allowing players to sell and buy items with either in-game gold or real cash. The two auction houses are not combined, so you cannot buy something in the real cash auction house with gold and vice versa. I'm not sure what results people are having but I made about $2.00 from selling a low level rare item already, so I can imagine what high-level rare items may fetch. Also, items are not soul-bound like in World of Warcraft. If you equip something and then upgrade it later, you can still sell the older item on the Auction House.