
The first batch of buy wow gold World of Warcraft Dragon Soul team Rongyao Cheng on Dragon baked

Recently, from the World of Warcraft European clothing Russian Association Exorsus, the world's first complete Dragon Soul team master achievement, and reward Twilight pioneers reins, which is a copy of the achievements we commonly Dragon. The Exorsus Association had the world's first win the the ICC achievements of the dragon, seems the guild achievements dragon's interest is not generally a big Previously, it was pointed out that 4.3 may no achievements dragon. Team master achievement list a series of achievements, but does not mark the horse awards, and achievement requirements difficult to kill H Deathwing crazy, generally does not include blow past practice, the required achievement the final BOSS difficult to kill H, but Blizzard has clarified, can not see the reward is a small BUG. The baked achievement dragon also proved the existence of the award. In addition, from the current point of view, Deathwing crazy difficulty but also less than the back. Can kill the H back the team can kill crazy, so this achievement is not to make things difficult for everyone. '
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