
The Blizzard Music buy wow gold Director World of Warcraft concert led by all-star lineup September 8

Blizzard Entertainment this year an official authorized VideoGamesLive World of Warcraft concert will be game models Lenovo The integrated desktop Terminator B presented at the MasterCard Centre on September 8. In the new era of the 2012 MasterCard Center will be on this planet first Panda Elijah fog enveloped the Noah's ark. This concert will be concentrated to a up to eight immortal emotion. Period of song is the carrier of a story, the convergence of a legend; contains countless touching story of a legend, staged another curtain, again and again, endless talking about the concert's lineup, can be described as luxurious all-star. Command, presided over the part we all know, playing the best game in the world are musicians - Russell Brower is the Blizzard game music director for three Blizzard's classic game series World of Warcraft and StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 produced countless classic acoustic tracks. But you may not know, he also had three internationally famous Emmy composer Awards promise a lot of people do not understand that the VGL is in the end what the concept. In fact, the VGL that a person, not a company. VGL (Video Games Live) is a group of excellent musicians, video game symphonic concerts of the composer, symphony orchestra and the seiyuu interpretation of the classic game music, moved to the scene, performing to the game fans and music fans. They show in order to maximize the endless charm of the game music stage entertainment. Many classic performances worldwide game music. Here, I think everyone here to understand VGL become a brand may be more appropriate. '
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